Dental Cleanings and Checkups – Coppell, TX

Invest in the Benefits of Early Dental Care

Nothing is more precious than your little one's smile. Their primary teeth are only in place for a few years, but they are invaluable to your child's development and health. Damaged baby teeth can increase their risk of speech and nutrition issues. Not to mention, it can increase their risk of needing costly dental work later. Routine cleanings and checkups are essential for keeping your child's teeth and gums healthy. Dr. Linda Steele is a board-certified pediatric dentist and a mother of three children. She has the qualifications and experience to provide the compassionate, personalized care your little one needs.

Why Choose Linda A. Steele, DDS for Pediatric Cleanings and Checkups?

  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • Compassionate, Personalized Care
  • Kid-Friendly Environment

Why are Regular Dental Checkups & Cleanings Important?

Young boy looking at his teeth in dental mirror

Each baby tooth is necessary for your child's oral health and development. Losing a tooth too soon can have lasting consequences for their wellness. Regular dental appointments allow Dr. Steele to monitor their developing smile. She can detect the smallest concern for early intervention. This can stop a minor issue from turning into a big problem, like a toothache.

Not to mention, she'll develop a trusting relationship with your child for stress-free dental appointments. Researchers have found that early dental care supports a lifelong commitment to oral hygiene. You'll ensure your child has a strong foundation to keep their dental health a priority throughout their lifetime.

What to Expect During a Dental Checkup

Young girl brushing her teeth

Our pediatric dentist will examine your child's mouth and review digital X-rays to have a complete picture of their dental health. Not only will she look at their teeth and gums, but she will also check their bite and primary teeth yet to erupt. She will discuss her findings with you and any recommendations for treatment, like fluoride varnish to strengthen their enamel or dental sealants to protect against cavities.

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning

Young boy having a dental checkup

Your child's dental hygienist will clean and polish their teeth using special dental instruments. They will discuss proper brushing and flossing methods to help your little one care for their smile at home. They will help your child remain comfortable and relaxed while in the dentist's chair. They are also responsible for taking X-rays and performing other tasks related to their oral health needs.

The American Dental Association recommends cleanings and checkups every 6 months, even for children. Children should see their dentist for the first time before they turn 1-year-old. Choose a trusted pediatric dentist to help your child achieve their best smile. Request an appointment through our website or call our office at (972) 640-7432.