Linda A. Steele, DDS Blog

Dental Fillings for Baby Teeth: Are They Necessary?

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 3:35 am
child undergoing a dental exam

Many parents are unaware of the importance of baby teeth. They assume that since they eventually fall out, there’s no real urgency to properly care for them. However, this is far from the truth, especially since these teeth serve as placeholders for future adult teeth. Keep reading to find out whether dental fillings are necessary for these early pearly whites and what you can do to help your child reduce their risk for cavities in the first place.


3 Must-Know Children’s Dental Health Facts for Parents

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 11:40 pm
a child and parent smiling

Parenting is full of challenges; however, helping your child maintain a healthy and happy smile as they grow shouldn’t be a point of stress at all. Continue reading below for three must-know dental health facts concerning children – knowledge is power, and being informed will help you to make informed choices about your little one’s smile moving forward!


Dental Diet: 4 Foods That Improve Your Child’s Oral Health

April 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 7:07 pm
Little girl in a pink shirt eating vegetables at a table with plants

If you’ve ever taken your child to the dentist, they likely have already let you know to avoid sweet foods. Unfortunately, sugar attracts harmful bacteria that contribute to issues like cavities and gum disease. That means you can help them maintain their oral health by opting for more wholesome options. By stocking up on snacks that support their oral well-being, you help them learn healthy habits that they’ll remember for life. If you’re not sure what to include on the menu, keep reading for 4 suggestions that will keep their smile happy!


Early Illusions: 3 Myths About Children’s Dental Health

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 4:50 pm
Girl in pink shirt holding purple toothbrush and smiling

As your child’s guardian, you’re responsible for their mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and their teeth are no exception. Unfortunately, there are several commonly held misconceptions about pediatric dentistry that could lead you to make decisions that aren’t based in fact. It’s important to be well-informed so you can take the necessary steps to keep your kid’s mouth healthy as they continue to develop. Keep reading to learn about 3 myths about your little one’s dental well-being and the truth behind them!


Why Children’s Dental Health Month Matters

February 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 4:23 pm
Little girl smiling during oral examination

Many of us associate February with the heart-shaped decorations and goodies of Valentine’s Day. Did you know, though, that it’s also Children’s Dental Health Month? What better time to remind parents of their kid’s oral well-being than when candy and chocolate are lining every store shelf? It’s a great time to remember that to keep their smiles safe, they need to care for them properly to prevent potential problems. Keep reading to learn more about how you can improve your child’s dental health this month!


Are There Any Children’s Books to Help Kids Feel Less Anxious at the Dentist’s Office?

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 11:14 pm
Dentist smiles

If your child feels anxious about an upcoming dental appointment, you might be looking for ways to help them understand the process and know what to expect. Luckily, this is a common problem for parents to deal with, so many authors have produced children’s books to walk kids through the whole experience from start to finish. This removes a lot of uncertainty from the process and helps kids feel more comfortable at the dentist’s office. Here’s a list of children’s books about the dentist’s office to help everyone in your household have a bit more peace of mind.


Smells Like Teen Hygiene: Why Your Teenager Should See a Pediatric Dentist

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 11:11 pm
A teenager smiling after seeing his pediatric dentist

As a parent, you know that the teenage years come with unique challenges like body changes and personal maturity development. One aspect that should not be overlooked is oral health! While your teen may feel like they’re ready to visit a general dentist, that may not always be the right move for them. Continue reading to learn how a pediatric dentist can still help your teenager with their smile.


Mouthguard Magic: Why Your Childs Needs One

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 6:09 pm
A child's handing holding a blue mouthguard

Try as you might, it’s impossible to predict when an accident might happen. That said, there are things you can do to protect yourself should anything occur. This is particularly true for athletes engaged in intensive activity in close proximity with others because one blow to the face can be powerful enough to knock out one or more of your teeth. Fortunately, your dentist can fit you or anyone in your family with a mouthguard to shield them so that you can feel confident that no matter what, your smile is safe. Keep reading to learn more!


Oral Hygiene Guide for Children with Special Needs

October 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 10:08 pm
mom at dentist with child

While the importance of brushing twice a day and flossing daily is well-known, children with emotional, behavioral, physical, or intellectual disabilities may face challenges in maintaining these habits. They might need extra assistance due to difficulties in remembering or limitations in fine motor skills. Explore four tips in special needs dentistry to ensure the oral health of your child’s teeth and gums.


Understanding the Effects of Prolonged Thumb-Sucking in Children

September 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 12:35 am
a child sucking on their thumb

Thumb-sucking is a common soothing mechanism for infants and toddlers, and if you’re a parent yourself, you’ve probably enjoyed those brief moments of reprieve when your child has calmed down thanks to their thumb. However, when this habit persists, it can lead to various dental and developmental issues. Continue reading below to learn a little more from your trusted pediatric dentist about how prolonged thumb-sucking can cause problems for your little one, along with some tips for stopping it.

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